John Legend

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ولد في 28 ديسمبر 1978، في سبرينغفيلد بولاية أوهايو هو مغني آر إن بي وشاعر غنائي وعازف بيانو أمريكي حائز على جوائز غرامي. بدأ الغناء عام 2000، وصدر ألبومه الأول "Get Lifted" في نهاية عام 2004، وتم بمساعدة المنتج الموسيقي كانييه ويست ومغني الراب سنوب دوغ. صدر منه عدة أغان منفردة منها "Used To Love U" و"Ordinary People" و"Selfish". كما ساهم في عدة أغان مع مغنين آخرين عن طريق العزف على البيانو أو الغناء، مثل أغنية "Everything is Everything
ليجيند وكما عرف نفسه كمناصر للمرأه قائلاً " يجب على جميع الرجال مناصرة المرأة فلو أهتم الرجال بحقوق المرأة سيصبح العالم مكاناً أفضل"
John Legend was born on December 28, 1978.[2] He is one of four children[3] of Phyllis Elaine (née Lloyd), a seamstress, and Ronald Lamar Stephens, a factory worker and former National Guardsman.[4][5][6][7] Throughout his childhood, Legend was homeschooledon and off by his mother.[8] At the age of four, he performed with his church choir. He began playing the piano at age seven. At the age of twelve, Legend attended North High School, from which he graduated four years later.[9] According to Legend, upon hissalutatorian graduation, Legend was offered admission to Harvard University and scholarships to Georgetown University andMorehouse College.[10] He attended the University of Pennsylvania, where he studied English with an emphasis on African-American literature.[11]
While in college, Legend served as president and musical director of a co-ed jazz and pop a cappella group called Counterparts. His lead vocals on the group's recording of Joan Osborne's "One of Us" received critical acclaim landing the song on the track list of the 1998 Best of Collegiate a Cappellacompilation CD.[12] Legend was also a member of the prestigious senior societies Sphinx Senior Society and Onyx Senior Honor Society while an undergraduate at Penn. While in college, Legend was introduced to Lauryn Hill by a friend. Hill hired him to play piano on "Everything Is Everything", a song from her album The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill.[10]
Personal Life
جون ليجيد اتجوز حببته بعد 4 سنين حب و هي الموديل الشاهيره Chrissy Teigan , خلف بنت اسمها Luna
Personal Life
جون ليجيد اتجوز حببته بعد 4 سنين حب و هي الموديل الشاهيره Chrissy Teigan , خلف بنت اسمها Luna
- Get Lifted (2004)
- Once Again (2006)
- Evolver (2008)
- Love in the Future (2013)
و افضل اغنيه بنسبه لي هي اغنيه All Of Me
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